Saturday, January 17, 2009

This is a bluff bet.

Guten morgen, my sleepy-eyed friends. How has everyone's day been thus far?

My day has been basically normal. It's turned into routine now. Stay up until midnight, sleep, wake up at 8AM, go eat the same breakfast, come back, get online while everyone naps, get offline, eat dinner, take a shower, get back online until midnight, sleep, and the cycle continues. Something needs to happen just to jolt all of the boredom directly out of this hotel room, because I honestly don't think I can take sitting here all of this time until Wednesday with my brain set on permasleepy.

Everyone I know is having relationship problems, and thus coming to me for aid. OH JOY. No matter how much I love you, I'm not your relationship counselor. And also, no matter how much I love you, if your boyfriend has dumped you over ten times -- hell, over five -- I'm going to tell you to break up with the motherfucker regardless. Wise up. Gahhh.

As I'm sure you can tell, I'm not in a very good mood at the moment. I suppose that's what blogs are for, eh? Rants? Sure, why not, Mel, of course that's what they're for.

Here, have some pictures to distract you from my insanity.

And one from a different camera and in color for good measure:

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